Krell vs Parasound

Krell Ksa-300 vs Parasound Hca 3500. I currently use the Parasound in my system and just bought the krell can I expect a big improvment? Will have the Krell soon
Agree...the Krell should deliver a bigger, more defined solid soundstage, which also is more delinieated throughout the sound spectrum....and much more powerful through the upper bass, and likely more extended thru lower bass. KSA were some of Krells' most highly regarded line, and you should also find the tonality of the unit is also superior to the Parasound. In fact, i have heard say the KSA purity of tonality was not bettered until the final models of the super big FPB series (600 and 700/750 monos).

Lets see if all of us here are right in that there is a big improvement...please post! good luck and enjoy.
I have compared extensively, many times, Krell Evo-400 vs Parasound JC-1 monoblocks. Outcome emerged to be far from that simple (aircraft carrier vs PT boat ).

To my ears, overall sound picture of both in terms of comparison was closer to, say, Mercedes-Benz (Evo-400) vs Audi (JC-1). Pretty tough battle, indeed... Krell Evo-400 a bit more sofisticated, refined and relaxed, Parasound Halo JC-1 a bit more vivid and sparkling, particularly if mated with JC-2 pre.

Two great pairs of audio design, anyway.

Cannot comment older KSA vs HCA designs..
I'd say it completely depends on the rest of your system.

When I had some Genesis loudspeakers, I asked the manufacturer which amplifier at a given budget would be the best match. Paul McGowan personally responded and said that he & Arnie Nudell both agreed that I would save money and get better sound by purchasing a Parasound HCA-3500 instead of a Krell KSA-200s or KSA-150.

I followed their advice (as well as some detailed biasing instructions for the Paraound) and was NOT disappointed.