Thoughts on current EL-34 tubes

I have just put my Jolida JD-1000P back into my system, and when I initially fired it up one of the tubes was obviously bad giving a good light show. I found this kind of strange as the amp has been sitting idle with no power to it for about six months now and the tubes Winged C Svetlanas were working fine when I took it out of the system. I replaced the winged C with another Svetlana for now and ordered up 8 matched Tungsol re-issues as I have heard that these tubes are some of the better of the re-issue tubes out now, what are everyones thoughts on current re-issue EL-34 tube available now.
How about Genelex Gold Lion KT-77's ? I replaced Svetlana EL-34's with a matched quad of these, and the music sounds really, really nice. The KT-77 is a mighty fine tube.
I really like the sound of Electro-Harmonix EL 34 and 6CA7, which I use in both of my Prima Luna amps. Prefer them to the Winged C's. The EHs have good detail and richness in sound.

I second the EH EL34 and recently retubed my CJ amp with these. Great, depth, warmth and richness of sound, very sweet and detailed. I have no desire to change these out for others. And no fireworks. I STONGLY suggest buying from Tube Depot; they have always sold me quality tubes that test well and last a long time. A great company.
Thanks for the responses so far keep them coming. I have tried the Mullard reissues and did not find them as well rounded as the winged "C" tubes. Rich how have you found the EH tubes as far as reliability, I had some problems with those a while back, maybe they have improved? I may just end up trying a few different brands to compare, the JJ KT-77 tubes interest me also. I do realize this is all system dependent but I appreciate all comments.
The secret to tube life ... which I learned 45 plus years ago with my dad in his TV repair shop ... allow enough time for the tubes to warm up. I allow for at least a half hour. Even though the Prima Lunas have circuitry to allow for play after 30 seconds, I find that the tubes last longer and are pretty noise free, when I just let them warm up. I am getting good hours on the EH ... can't say whether it's a 1000 hours or more, but I have not had to replace them in at least a year or so. The EH cost is also very reasonable ... about $20 a tube, so it's not that big a deal.
