Hafler DH 500 update?

My brother just gave me an early DH 500. It seems to sound fine to me. It hasn't been used alot for many years so I am wondering if I should at least have it checked out and have the old board components upgraded or just go ahead and use it until something gives out. In other words, would I gain anything by premptive action?
I'd recommend you have it checked to make sure the power supply capacitors are still good. The large electrolytic caps in power amps often go bad after 20 or 30 years. The results can be devastating to speakers. This amp is at that age.
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Musical Concepts can help you a lot with this old Hafler. If your brother "gave" it to you, then you might want to spend a little to "freshen" it up.

I spent $1200 to upgrade my DH-500, and the sound is more neutral then my Mac. I also plan on keeping the amp till I die. By the way, I read on this forum where one guy described the looks of the DH-500 as "early World War 2 submarine radio style"