What separates should I use for my vandersteen 1c?

I have a pair of vanersteen 1c's and a crappy onkyo receiver because I haven't figured out which separates to buy. I don't want to spend more than $5000 but I am open to all suggestions! as far as my taste goes, I just want to get the best out of the speakers. I love the thought and look of tubes, but haven't heard any and don't know a lot about amps in general. Im looking at the Anthem audio PVA 5. Thoughts? The rotel 1570 processor is good I hear but not the RMB 1565 amp... Please help! Thanks everyone.
The best pre-amp under $2,500 is the Doge 8 from Pacific Valve at around $1,500. There is a broad range of amplifiers for your budget. You might opt for a solid state amp, as the Doge 8 is a tubed unit and the solid state amp (adequately powered) probably would give you better bass control.

Underscore CJ electronics with Vandersteen speakers. One of those few but ideal matches.
With all due respect to the other posters, I'm not as big a fan of the Vandy's with c-j, especially c-j tube amps. IMHO, the Vandy's as great a value as they, are are bit bloated in the bass, not the last word in dynamics, and a bit reticent. c-j tubes tend to have the same characteristics. Now if you love that, and can't get enough, so be it. But, if your trying to balance qualities, both of these fine products are probably better suited for use with other gear than with each other. Just my 2 cents, YMMV.
Rogue Audio Cronus...... an integrated amp that works really, really well with the Vandy 1C's. If you're intent on separates, then the Rogue Atlas/Metis combination should sound just as fine. Happy Listening.
The majority of the above recommendations with Vandersteen speakers would result in boring sound quality. However, you can't go wrong with Audio Research and Vandersteen speakers. You may also want to consider a Vandersteen subwoofer to take the load off of a sweet sounding low powered Audio Research tube amp. With the right source and cables you could have world class sound.