Ozzy, At least one user did not like it enough to keep it. Read Madfloyd's comments above. He writes "Ultimately I found....the effect too distracting for me." I spoke to him at length about it. He returned it after the trial period and I had the impression that some others have also. Maybe I just read that somewhere else. I'm glad you like yours.
I did ask some specific questions of you in my post dated 2/4/12 above. Could you please elaborate? I once owned Eggleston speakers and got them to disappear quite nicely. How do you know the improved sound you are getting is from the Qol unit and not all the changes you made with your set up? Have you toggled it in and out of your system like Madfloyd did to hear the difference. I'm just curios, thanks.
I did ask some specific questions of you in my post dated 2/4/12 above. Could you please elaborate? I once owned Eggleston speakers and got them to disappear quite nicely. How do you know the improved sound you are getting is from the Qol unit and not all the changes you made with your set up? Have you toggled it in and out of your system like Madfloyd did to hear the difference. I'm just curios, thanks.