Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?

An ad in TAS... touting this box. I remain skeptical but would like to know what your impressions are if you have heard whatever it does!
Peterayer, When I toggle in and out the soundstage flattens. I knew it was an improvement even when I was behind the speakers. It's almost like turning on a light in a darkened room.
Now, I just leave the Qol on all the time.

Thanks Ozzy. I had a similar response when I added isolation (Vibraplane under TT and Townshend Sinks under rack components). Everything improved and sounded more real.

To my ears, here is what happens.

1) Stage open up to a more natural size and shape. Without Qol, the stage sounds like a typical reproduced stage that we have been trying to make better every year.

2) Depth of the music becomes much more present. It sounds more three dimensional and layered.

3) The rooms seems to go away and the music becomes in the room rather than directly from the speakers.

You should do yourself a favor and have a listen to one. I think you will be pleasantly surprised as to how much better things sound or at least how much of a change the product makes to your listening experience.

In the end, it is what makes your ears happy that you should consider. If Qol does not then you should not get one. If it does, $4k is not much money, relatively speaking, in this wonderful hobby of ours. Heck, the alternative of upgrading your speakers or amp or preamp or cables or any component may cost you that much or more and not give even close to the difference you will hear in the musical improvements from Qol.

Let's face it,this is a huge jump in sonic happiness for us Audiophiles and HiFi junkies. We are not normally used to such giant leaps. We are used to paying $500 for this tweak or $1000 for that treatment that at best we say, " helped things a bit". Often, many tweaks really don't do much to the end the music makes you feel. With Qol, it is just so large of a change that our kind is having a hard time swallowing the improvement without over analyzing it or throwing up the snake oil flag. I mean, how could we go so many hears with such small expensive improvements and now find a giant leap for "hifi-kind"? :)

Sure the price tag may seem a bit high for an add on but when you consider the amount of money we spend on tweaks, cables, and treatments, the ratio of listening/toe tapping pressure per dollar is far superior in a Qol Signal Completion Stage.

Again, have a listen to one and simply "Listen to your Ears". They will guide you to your final decision as to if Qol is right for you.

For me, as a musician, audiophile, HiFi junky, and audio dealer, it was absolutely right for me the first time I heard it. The first thing I thought was, "How did they get those Vandi 2s to sound so good in this small hotel room?" After listening for a few minutes to the speakers that I know very well and becoming envious as to how much better they sound, I was 100% ready to buy and become a dealer.

My two pennies... hope this helps.
Seton, that's a great endorsement. I agree the only way to know is to order one and hear for oneself in a known system.

What you describe is pretty much the improvement I experienced when Jim Smith came to voice my system. He added nothing, but the sound became much more real with careful and deliberate positioning of speakers, listening seat and treatments. Tone, dynamics and presence all improved dramatically. Then adding isolation to my front end components took it to the next level.

The total was about the same as the $4K for the Qol.

I guess the Qol is an active approach while what I did was passive. Interesting that the results seem similar.

Do you think that the major electronics companies will start to license the technology and insert it in their products? Pass, ARC, Krell, Atmosphere, VAC etc?
Peterayer, The Qol will be in addition to the isloation you've already done. I would not call it an active approach.