Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?

An ad in TAS... touting this box. I remain skeptical but would like to know what your impressions are if you have heard whatever it does!

Douglas_schroeder stated:

"I conducted my assessment of QOL in my own room with multiple systems."

You state:

"I suspect you did't [sic] even try one."

What's up here? If you don't like someone's opinion then just say so. If you make this kind of inane statement then you open yourself up to having others say the same thing about you.
Douglas_schroeder, your comments are spot-on. Ozzy's reasoning is skewed and contradictory.

First he states:

"All you are saying is that more is less. That line we all agree."

Then he states:

"Don't discredit an item just because you have to add another set of interconnect cables."

In effect, he is saying "more is less" -- then is saying "more is more".

It looks like you hit a nerve. Disagreement is fair game. But Ozzy's use of the word "discredit" is clearly inappropriate. This is an attempt to discredit you by turning your observations and opinions into a personal matter.
Douglas says he has heard the unit, and we should all take that as read Ozzy, as with all statements on A'gon. He's listened to it on multiple systems, so his opinions have as much validity as those also who've auditioned it, but like it in their system.
His point that any additional components in the audio chain will have a tendency to adulterate the signal, and the listener has to decide whether the alteration in sound produced balances out the adulteration, surely is a statement of fact.
What Ozzy needs to consider is that this unit (together with a unit called the NeutralAudio X-DREI that I've initiated a thread on, but has had few replies) is the first in a long while that fits between pre and pow and hence directly affects the signal getting to the loudspeakers, hence has more facility for radical change in sound than mere interconnects/tweaks that improve/deteriorate individual component sound.
Douglas, you say you auditioned it, heard some improvements to sound produced, but ultimately returned it; can you describe the downsides in sound that fit in with your hesitation on the grounds of signal altered negatively above and beyond any improvements produced.
Regards, Marc
I am wondering why there was no review of the unit in question if Schroeder listened to it extensively in several systems?

Douglas, Sorry for my ranting. And yes, you did hit a nerve. It’s just that there are so many postings from so called "experts" that have never heard the Qol. When I first read Doug Schroeder posting it sounded like just another so called expert chiming in without really hearing it. Then when another poster asked if he had ever heard one then Douglas said, yes with multiple units. Why that wasn't stated in his first reply, I don’t' know.

I assure you I owned the Focus speakers just look at my previous reviews. But, the comment I made about the Whisper speakers was to show that we all have different tastes when it comes to our systems. And perhaps the Whisper speaker is not the right design to appreciate the Qol.

Douglas and Sabai, as one can tell, I sometimes don't agree with "Reviewers" and there comments should not be considered as fact. I just don't want people to form an opinion of the Qol without actually trying it.