Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?

An ad in TAS... touting this box. I remain skeptical but would like to know what your impressions are if you have heard whatever it does!
No real helpful info. on my part(just like Shakeydeal!) However I appreciate Ozzy sharing his enthusiasm for this product. Where else are you going to hear about it in real world conditions. Many that have not found it to their liking I don't disagree with. How ever I don't think it is because your system is perfectly neutral causing the 'qol' to show all it does to or for a system. We all pick components no matter how neutral we think they are by balancing what we have with what we are getting otherwise it is just going to be noise to each of us if it doesn't meet our criteria. I appreciate that it sounds like Ozzie hit upon something, the 'qol' device, that works extremely well for him and that just may be of assistance to others also. Thanks Ozzie. Keep your enthusiasm and thanks for sharing.
Hey Ozzy,
The qol required me to add one Valhalla XLR. However, I don't think that matters at all since my comparison is not with and without qol, it is with qol on and on bypass. So the cable was always carrying signal and would have had its effect either way. I wish I could say cables (other than maybe power) can make such a difference but in my experience they don't...
My question is directed to those who claim to have some idea what the QOL is doing: Is it something that could be done during the recording and mastering process? If so, then it would seem to qualify as a distortion device; i.e., something that changes what was originally intended.
It is neither a distortion device nor a processor. It's "revealer" of information that has been stuck inside all signals. That information is natural and part of every live sound we hear. It's the distortion BY OMISSION in all other equipment that is the problem qol solves. Why do you persist in thinking that the old signals had and have nothing wrong? That they are complete and perfect? After all, they have the same limitations they've had since the days of Edison, Bell and Tesla, when they were invented, as they've never been been rendered in a better way since then. Until NOW, with qol.
Happy listening,
Larry Kay
CEO-BSG Technologies