Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?

An ad in TAS... touting this box. I remain skeptical but would like to know what your impressions are if you have heard whatever it does!
To date, exactly 3 of more than 120 sold have come back. There is one more currently thinking about it. In at least one instance the reason was financial, not performance related. 3 (or 4) out of 120+ is not bad in our estimation.

I suspect any product with a return privilege would be hard pressed to do as well.
Larry Kay
Very interesting speculation, Bryon. Two brief points in response:
1. By a broad definition, everything is a processor. No signal gets through anything, even a one inch piece of wire, completely unaltered, so everything "processes." We actually process less than any preamp, phono preamp, amp or CD player, DAC, or many cables. And much less than any transducer (speaker or phono cartridge).
2. Don't have any familiarity with Trifield, but note that regardless of spatial stuff, qøl™ also widens dynamic range, reveals more detail and more harmonics. However, back to spatial. In life, sound radiates spherically and the ear-brain interprets all of that. With hi-fi, it radiates hemi-spherically. With qøl™, you're back to the full sphere and the ear-brain hears that as being more like the real thing. That's what a few are hearing when they say the images seem to be more forward.
I haven't heard the unit, but I'm considering a trial. My hesitation is that I set my system up to achieve sound reproduction that is true to the original recording. That's been my personal definition of the absolute sound so far. It seems to me that if the QOL effect is better or more realistic, then some similar process would have been applied to the original recording (assuming its a good recording).
>Audiogon is a place for the free exchange of ideas and information.<

Not really.....
"Don't have any familiarity with Trifield, but note that regardless of spatial stuff, qøl™ also widens dynamic range, reveals more detail and more harmonics"

Larry,your description of the qol's influence on the musical signal sounds just like the very same thing my ears hear using the Harmonic Recovery System of yester-year.John Sollectito of SCE was the developer of said unit.Your description from above is exactly what I hear with the HRS in line. It recieved great reviews from reviewers and users alike.