Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?

An ad in TAS... touting this box. I remain skeptical but would like to know what your impressions are if you have heard whatever it does!

I heard QOL in two systems, one of which I wasn't familiar with much of the gear. The bulk of my time with it was in a meticulously built system in a Rives-designed room, and I was highly familiar with the gear. This was a six figures system of very high resolution, accuracy and convincing tonality. While my comments derived from this audition, my responses to QOL were same hearing it through an unfamiliar hifi too.

I should add that the owner preferred listening with QOL in the loop though he hears what I noted and whether just entertaining or real to him, he likes it. For me QOL was mostly euphonic splash which was a distraction from sonic realism. I can understand why a friend who heard it thinks it has value adding tone to hifi powered by lean solid state amps.

Has the old Bedini B.A.S.E. technology been mentioned here? It also works with phase to accomplish it's effect. I haven't experienced either of these technologies but the B.A.S.E. gained a fair bit of notoriety in the 80s. I wonder what the similarities might be on a possibly revamped patent that's run out?
Csontos, I doubt if it is similair. It looks like BSG has just been granted a patten on their design.
I just had an opportunity to bring home a unit for an audition in my system and I tend to agree with most of the pros and cons discussed so far in this thread. And for me, to my ears, the cons add up to more than the pros. So, I returned the loan unit to the dealer.
The one most important aspect of the sound that deterred me from an outright purchase was the unrealistic expansion of image size of every instrument. Although the soundstage has expanded, so too have the piano, guitar, saxophone, violins and whatever else that is playing together in a band or orchestra to the point that each of them seems to extend from the far side of the left to the far side of the right of my room boundaries. May be seductive initially but it just doesn't sound real and right.
This is an interesting observation -- one that I had not heard before. Since I live overseas, taking their 30-day trial could get complicated -- and expensive, with all the back and forth shipping. Based on what you have to say, the QOL does not sound like it has the sonic attributes that would take my system where I want it to go. I was curious about the QOL but I will not let my interest go any further.