Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?

An ad in TAS... touting this box. I remain skeptical but would like to know what your impressions are if you have heard whatever it does!
Phil, your observations are spot on. Sometimes it may seem insensitive to call a spade a spade but in this hobby, where value is paramount before we part with our hard-earned money for an outright purchase, we just need to call it as it is. Benefitting the whole community is indeed the aim of such a forum and you have done so very well.
Every component will have its pros and cons and a balanced view is what all of us here need. I wince whenever I hear pure gushing without a single caveat. When Larry gives not a single caveat, it is only understandable, given his capacity as CEO of bsg tech. But dealers of the product would want to be balanced and more circumspect in their views because it is very unlikely they would want to sell anything else in their store without saying to a potential client, "Oh, by the way, you should take this box home too or else, whatever you are buying WON'T let you hear everything that you should." If a dealer says that with every source, pre-amp, power amp or speaker component that he is trying to sell, then his integrity does come into question a fair bit or worse, he might lose the sale altogether.
A good thing I observed from my local dealer of the qol is that at an audio show, he merely displayed it but did not hook it up with the other components on active display. I guess he did not want the qol to detract the listener from the intrinsic qualities of the separate components that he was exhibiting.
Regards. Jon.
Still very much enjoying qol unit. On occasion I have taken it out and listened to music for a day without it. I have stopped that as I am always moved more by the music physically and emotionally with qol in. Also has anyone tried it on mono material? From my perspective it is amazing the improvement made in air and space." Long live qol I need it every night! "
Marc777, I have never taken mine out of my system again.
Awesome piece of equipment!
Ozzy Have you tried any mono yet? I am surprised more by it than stereo. In my system mono sounds like very good stereo with separation of instruments and air. You can stand in front of one speaker and still hear other speaker output. To me it helps much to enhance engagement to the music.