"When one considers the noise cancellation properties of balanced, then you can easily see the reason for superior audio. Less noise equals better sound. "
I auditioned Joule-Electra LA-150Mk2, then I owned LA-300ME for an year and now I am blessed with LA-450ME. All these preamps have balanced amplification in the gain stage but (except 450) their inputs and outputs are single ended i.e. Joule-Electra split single ended on inout and add on output.
As much as I tried to hear any (AMY!) noise when I place my ear to the speakers I hear nothing, nada, ziltch, zero etc.
I cannot remove noise I do not hear !!!!! I am sure theere are other SE preamps without producing noise and one shoyld be careful what kind of IC he has
Most "audiophiles" love word "balanced" without realizing the immense difference between balanced input/output and balanced signal processing (amplification here) which cancel not so much noise as DISTORTIONS !!!!!!!! and this make immense difference in distortion-free music presentation.
I auditioned Joule-Electra LA-150Mk2, then I owned LA-300ME for an year and now I am blessed with LA-450ME. All these preamps have balanced amplification in the gain stage but (except 450) their inputs and outputs are single ended i.e. Joule-Electra split single ended on inout and add on output.
As much as I tried to hear any (AMY!) noise when I place my ear to the speakers I hear nothing, nada, ziltch, zero etc.
I cannot remove noise I do not hear !!!!! I am sure theere are other SE preamps without producing noise and one shoyld be careful what kind of IC he has
Most "audiophiles" love word "balanced" without realizing the immense difference between balanced input/output and balanced signal processing (amplification here) which cancel not so much noise as DISTORTIONS !!!!!!!! and this make immense difference in distortion-free music presentation.