It is indeed! Did you get a chance to check the bandwidth at 10Hz and 5 Hz also?I just ran an existing scripted procedure on the M-2, and it started at 20Hz. The Gen-Mon results I did manually, but I neglected to change the LF end of the sweep. And the System One only goes down to 10Hz . . . for subsonic results I have to use a function generator, then measure with a 'scope . . . big pain. THD results are even tougher; I need to use a DSO sync'd to the generator to acquire the waveform, average 64x to reduce noise, perform an FFT with a rectangular window sized to the exact generator frequency, then calculate the THD from the sum of the harmonics. Ugh.
Jensen's datasheets are probably more accurate at subsonic frequencies than my measurements . . . Deane Jensen was actually a pioneer in many of the techniques used to acheive accurate results in this region.