MSB M202 compared to Pass XA.5

I own Pass XA160.5 amps and was recently told that the MSB mono blocks have more power, are Class A and sound more neutral than the Pass amps. Has anyone heard MSB amps? Can anyone describe how they sound and compare to other large Class A amps? Their casework reminds me of the older Pass Aleph amps with heatsinks on all sides.
I had heard them this past summer at the Audio Show here in Northern California. I recalled that the overall sound was actually pretty decent, definitely worth auditioning. They look like circular version of the Aleph 2s with heat sinks all around.

I have not heard the XA .5 series, but am familiar with Pass house sound as I've been using Nelson Pass products for a long time.


any update here on your end? Just curious if you've found out more about these msb monos. thanks for any updates.

No update here. I just started this thread because I was curious about these amps. It does not seem as though many members have much experience with them.