Best 300B tube for Cayin 300B amp?

Just looking for opinions, I have the Sophia " mesh " 300B Princess now, anything anyone has heard but likes better? Looking for a second pair of tubes.
I would like to stay in the $600 per pair price range or less. Thanks for all of the insight, Mark
PS. System is as follows:
Nottingham spacedeck TT with SME 309 arm and Zyx Airy 3 s cart.
JLTI phono pre amp, Cayin 300B integrated amp, NOS tubes as rectifiers and for the pre section.
Omega Max Hemp speakers interconnects are crystal cable....
There is a pair of EML's on sale right now, so, maybe you can give them a try, if you like of course.

They are not my.
"Any one try the new Genalex 300B?"

I have a matched quad I'm using in a Cary pp. I'm happy with them.