OH, one other thing.....Kirkus speaks about the relation of enclosure size, TS parameters and where the term Damping Factor may come from. Good stuff.
I would add that many years ago, as watts became less expensive with the start of the SS 'era', speakers also changed....a lot, to the small, sealed boxes we know today.
Large enclosure speakers still exist, and they are still generally best with low power tubes, which also have a minimal measured damping factor....
And, for no particular reason....My panel also has an inductor in series with the woofer. In this case, Magnepan uses a 16ga iron core inductor of about 0.4 ohms DCR. This is one of those DIY items which causes some minor controversy in panel discussions. Some will put a monster aircore of as little as 0.2 ohms in the stock inductors place. This will have the effect of changing the speakers freuquency balance a little more bass-wards.