6 channel volume controller?

Does anyone know of a 6 channel pre-amp, or to be more precise an active 6 channel volume controller, with remote, with balanced inputs and outputs?

It is exactly what I want to do.
And I am aware of DEQX, in fact I plan to use DEQX but with its digital output board, so that I can do DA conversion outside of it using higher grade DACs. From DACs I would then go into this multichannel volume control. So far only EMM Switchman MKII fits the bill.
DEQX would be used only for what it does best, crossover function using FIR filters, and maybe DRC if needed in lower octaves.
Meridian DSP controlled speakers are good, but you can do far better with your choice of drivers, DA conversion and amplification.
Reason I want to take this direction is that the more time I spend with various active speakers the more I am convinced that going active is the only way, and especially so going with DSP crossover.
Just a few weeks ago I made my last attempt at convincing myself that passive can be as good, so I went to hear what is arguably among the best speakers on the market today, Magico Q5. No way would I ever take that over well executed DSP controlled speakers.
No argument here. (tho I've never heard the Magico, so I'm not in much to position to argue it, anyway).

You might try to track down the ARC unit that Kal mentioned. They usual make pretty good stuff, IME.

Good Luck.

Not all that convinced that FIR is inherently better than IIR, espescially at lower frequencies, but mostly due to pre/post ringing. More interested by digital Bessel filters.

If you just want a digital I/O xover, look at Xilica, which is one of the best in pro gear but no automated correction.

If you're going from the ground up with a speaker, I think this project with the Digmoda 552 is intriguing although I would do a few things differently.


Had similar idea a while back and considered a DIY modular DAC/pre with dual Wolfram DACs and BB PGA2213 chip attenuators on plug-in boards. Rejected series relay attenuators for the expense. Possibly even a 4X3 touch screen LCD or smart phone/bluetooth interface. No way would I have the time for a project like that.