Can the output of an ARC PH-7 be turned down?

I just purchased almost simultaniously an ARC PH-7 and an Aesthetix Calypso. I'm finding the "7"'s output is overdriving my Calypso-at least that's what Aesthetix thinks. Try as I might, I can't find any jumper or adjustment to the 7's output. Any suggestions?
Handymann, I also own an ARC PH-7. My line stage is an ARC Ref-5. Concur with Mofi -- PH-7 output is fixed and gain is at full bore of 57.5db. I was unaware that ARC sells a gain reduction kit.

Question: is the PH-7 clipping your pre?? If not, please explain why you simply can't adjust gain through your pre's gain/volume control. If your clipping the pre, that's a whole different can of worms.
I was thinking and the 5751 tubes will reduce my output, but not my input (I think ). I think I will try to get a couple of -10db attentuators from Rothwell as suggested by "Mofi." To be fair, he did suggest a lower output cart over the attentuators.
I had similar issues with the inputs on my Onix SP3 integrated. I have switched from 12AX7 to 5751 AND used attenuators.

Changing from 12AX7 to 5751 might reduce your maximum output by 30%, but it will have a much smaller difference in your normal volume range. Having said that, I love the 1950's RCA and GE 3 mica black plate 5751s in my Onix SP3.

I started with Golden Jack -10dB attenuators. Then I went to -14dBs. Now I am using EVS Ultimate Attenuators.

I still have the -14dBs with RCAs if you want to try them.