Audio Research Ref 5 and Krell amps


Just wondering if ARC Ref 5 preamp will mate well with Krell FPB 450 MCX monoblocks. My speakers are Revel Salon 2.

I bought the Ref 150 in July at the same time as the Sashas and had them in the same system unitl November. The system is a hybrid 2Ch/HT system with Wilsons throughout. I love the 150 and at normal listening levels...I feel its very close to the 250s. The 250s are more defined and controlled in the lower registers...say Charles Mingus plucking the bass has more definition and speed...with just the right amount of reverb... and provide a slightly wider and more transparent soundstage at normal listening levels. Female vocals/violin/sax have a magic in this region on both amps that I have found SS amps just can't compete with. The 150s would play loud, the Sashas are faily efficient...but the 250's maintain composure at higher levels that the 150 can't compete with. At higher levels, the soundstage of the 150s start to compress and the bass articulation does start to muddy just a bit...this is all relative. I would take the 150s over almost any SS amp...and replaced a very good ML335 with them...but the 250s seem to be the best fit for this system. The 150 is moved to my cabin and will be mated with a Ref5SE and Wilson Duettes...I love this replaced a Ref2mk2 and VS 115...and is perfect for nearfield listening. I listen mainly to jazz and small scale classical.
Nice system Tyler!

I have mine all run from a Harmony 890 remote so when I want 2-channel I simply ask for that setup and only my two channel gear turns on (except for the EMM Labs which doesn't have remote power on!?!?)

I agree with you that Wilson's are efficient but they really don't act that way! I run mine off 400 WPC Krell Evo 403e and almost went to the 600e's but talked myself out of it, they like power and need an amp stable into less than 2 Ohm loads so needs loads of current.

I bet the ARC 250s work very well with them!
Tyler, I posted this thread in another OP, but thought I would repeat it here.

"I am unsure about getting my Ref 5 upgraded. I'm concerned the SE may be way out of balance with the rest of my system. Alternatively, if I was to drop the bucks of an SE upgrdae (whatever it is) into my system, I might do better waiting to change out my PH-7.

"Just not sure?? Also not sure how long ARC will do the SE upgrade. Maybe for the indefinte future??? Maybe not??

"I'm standing pat on my amp. It's too close to the Ref 110 to change it out. If I change out the amp, IMO, it only makes sense to wait for Ref 150s to hit the pre-owned market.

"At this point, IMO, digital "redbook" CD (actual discs) is generally just fair, so I'm not motivated to change out my CD-7 CDP. Think I'd rather get a DAC 8 instead.

Any thoughts??"


BTW, my system description is listed on A'gon.

Are you still enjoying the Krell 403e? I picked one up a couple of weeks ago as well. It's a very good sounding amp but it sure puts out lots of heat. It's has smoother and fuller sound than my old FPB 450MCX.

Did you consider replacing the 403e?