Krell 3250e vs Classe CA-2300 vs Levinson 532H

I am shopping for a new amplifier to drive my Aerial 9 speakers and wanted to hear some opinions.

I know there are several new amplifiers on the market and am considering pairing the following with my ML 326S preamp.

Krell 3250e
ML 532H
Classe CA-2300

If you have experience with any of these amplifiers I'd love to hear your thoughts.

I'm open to other recommendations too.

If you like a 3-dimensional sound and your speaker can give this. ML is out of the picture. I never met people who prefer a 2-dimensional sound over a 3-dimensional sound. I also would suggest to take a listen to Pass Labs. In all the parts you judge highend sound for Pass Labs is one of the most complete brands in talents/properties what should be there for highend sound. Good Luck!
I think the review site has reviewed all three amps you have asked about.
At you also the read the article about the Pass Labs X250.5