Should I try separates

Currently using an Exposure 2010s integrated amp with Harbeth mini monitors. Always been tempted to give separates a try. Have absolutely no complaints about my current setup just wondering if I can better my amp with separates, preferably tube pre and solid state amp on a limited budget of 1500. Also have a pair of Omega 6 Alnicos from another system that I no longer use due financial constants . Some equipment will have to go to try this endeavor. Is it worth my time to pusue this. Only will they if I can get suggestions that will better what I have . Thanks
Yes you should. You should also take a mortgage out on your house to finance it. $50,00 - $100,00 should get you something pretty decent.
I don't think so. Not until you are ready to upgrade the speakers and have more funds.
thanks for everyones response. suppose its best to just enjoy what i have right now. tried the mortgage route to fund a system already. got turned down. ha ha