Amp for Thiel 2.2?

I know variations of this question has been discussed several times, but many of the questions and responses have been from many years ago. So here I am again. I just bought my Thiels 2.2 on Craig's List KC for $650. I have been listening to them powered with a Music Hall A-25.2 and playing my music with a PC laptop and a HRT Streamer II+. My thought was to use the Music Hall as a preamp for a while until I make that investment. I would like to find something $400-$1200, but I would spend more if it would make a difference. One other thing is, there is no place near to audition any HIFI near me in KC, so I really need to rely on your comments to guide me. Thanks
Classe amps and Thiels have always been a good combination. There is for sale on audiogon now 3 Classe CAM 350 monoblock amps. Price seems right! Check it out.
Dc2daylight - What do you think of this?? CLASSE CA-100 POWER AMPLIFIER There is one on Ebay now!

I guess you would need 2 of the Classe CAM 350s to get two channels??

Cmalak: I have been looking at the Conrad Johnson MF2300 today. I bet that would class up my listening!!

Have you heard anything about PS Audio HCA-2??
Jerry...I have not so don't know much about the HCA-2. Good luck hunting and let us know what you end up with and how it works out. All the best.