Amp for Thiel 2.2?

I know variations of this question has been discussed several times, but many of the questions and responses have been from many years ago. So here I am again. I just bought my Thiels 2.2 on Craig's List KC for $650. I have been listening to them powered with a Music Hall A-25.2 and playing my music with a PC laptop and a HRT Streamer II+. My thought was to use the Music Hall as a preamp for a while until I make that investment. I would like to find something $400-$1200, but I would spend more if it would make a difference. One other thing is, there is no place near to audition any HIFI near me in KC, so I really need to rely on your comments to guide me. Thanks
Jerrycentral...congrats on the new amp. All that matters is that the amp works out for you and that you are happy with it. If it does, great, and if it does not, it sounds like you got a good enough price on it that you will not take much of a hit if you have to turn around and sell it and look for something else. Either way, good luck and happy listening.
While not my first choice, it is a good choice. Hope you find a suitable pre. Enjoy!
I ran a classe with Thiel for a few years until I heard them with an Aragon 8008BB. Classe has been in the loft since.