I assume you do not have the manual.
Looking at the back of the preamp,
Phono Loading Slider Switch: Top to Bottom = 47k,1K, 100, and 10 Ohms respectively if your preamp is standard. Otherwise, you have to ask the original owner on what config he requested (values).
RCA's from left to right: Phono input (considered as input 1), then input 2, input 3, and input 4.
Next is Tape REC and then Tape Play. Then it's output 1 and output 2. Gain, then power.
For the front knobs, Left is Volume control, and Right is the selector switch with the ff setting as you move CW: phono, input 2, input3, input 4.
As for the power cord, I find it better to get a good regulator tube than a power cord. The regulator tube's impact to the preamp performance is instantaneous.
As far as I know, many owners use different tubes. It is difficult to pinpoint what the best tubes are for each position from previous posters/text but it is a little easier to determine which does not sound good as you read the thread. For example, RCA 5692's does not bring its magic on this preamp. So as the Tungsol 5881, etc. etc.
I use the "low" gain setting on mine.
I assume you do not have the manual.
Looking at the back of the preamp,
Phono Loading Slider Switch: Top to Bottom = 47k,1K, 100, and 10 Ohms respectively if your preamp is standard. Otherwise, you have to ask the original owner on what config he requested (values).
RCA's from left to right: Phono input (considered as input 1), then input 2, input 3, and input 4.
Next is Tape REC and then Tape Play. Then it's output 1 and output 2. Gain, then power.
For the front knobs, Left is Volume control, and Right is the selector switch with the ff setting as you move CW: phono, input 2, input3, input 4.
As for the power cord, I find it better to get a good regulator tube than a power cord. The regulator tube's impact to the preamp performance is instantaneous.
As far as I know, many owners use different tubes. It is difficult to pinpoint what the best tubes are for each position from previous posters/text but it is a little easier to determine which does not sound good as you read the thread. For example, RCA 5692's does not bring its magic on this preamp. So as the Tungsol 5881, etc. etc.
I use the "low" gain setting on mine.