How do you test different tubes?

I hear people recommending different brand of tubes for amps, preamps, etc. My question is how are people doing this? Are there dealers who loan tubes like other gear? I would hate to have to purchase different sets of tubes, try them, find the one I like best, and then trying to sell the set I don't like.
Byans I'm afraid that's the price of admission and knowledge. Learn a little spend a little
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Elizabeth is right.

NOS tubes in any quantity are all gone, used, and burned out, and have been since the 80's.

Only the Russians and Chinese have made tubes in any quantity since then.

The Russian tube factories are controlled by the Russian mobs, and tube types come and go. The Chinese tube quality is very "spotty".

Try and find what is the best of new tubes, and buy a lifetime supply!

One thing that is nice about tubes is that they can be very easily tested for quality control. Because of that used tubes are a very viable option. The market in used tubes is virtually unlimited.

Also, in my experience the price of tubes is distorted by collectors/hoarders. Certain tubes and brands are commanding very high prices when there are readily available alternatives at much lower costs. For example, Mullard or Telefunken 12ax7s compared to U.S. made "organ" grade equivalents.

One last point, the differences between high quality, properly functioning tubes is subtle, yet like most things audiophile related users describe the differences as huge and earth shattering.
I disagree that tube rolling is pointless. Even if you believe there are no longer any good old tubes available, there are usually several new tubes to try. There are no lending programs however and as already stated the only way is to buy and try. You can sell what you don't like. Just because you didn't like the sonic of a particular tube it does not mean it is a bad tube, just not your taste. I happen to believe you can get some good old tubes but the price is getting extremely high.