Integrated Amp recommendation

I have a 2 channel setup in my home office that I am considering upgrading. It consists of a vintage Yamaha CR-2020 (bought new back in the 70's-but getting a little long in the tooth), a pair of Polk Lsi9's, and a Velodyne sub (which is off most of the time). This setup works very well for me. Although I listen primarily to jazz, (CD, vinyl and some digital) I enjoy many types of music. I am currently considering the following integrateds to replace my aging Yamaha:
NAD M3 (used), NAD C375BEE, Anthem 225, Yamaha A-S2000, McIntosh MA6500 (used), and Cambridge 840A v2.
I am leaning toward new vs used as I don't plan to upgrade anytime in the near future. My problem is that I live in an area that I can't audition ANY of the above.
I would appreciate any recommendations.
I appreciate the responses. What I am looking for is an integrated around 2K or less, with the open, airy, and what I percieve to be uncolored sound that I get from my CR-2020. I also would like to have tone controls or some form of eq as my office doesnt have the best acoustics and some source material requires a slight "tweak" from time to time. I just have no idea what may most closely match my Yammy in sound charistics.
Another suggestion is to look into the new Yamaha A-S500 and A-S700 integrated amps. They have everything you are looking for. Tone controls and variable loudness. They have been getting good reviews in the British press.
I have a Yamaha AX 900U Integrated amp-Black, 160wpc, lightly used, cosmetically excellent, orig. owner. This is the bomb. I was asked to leave a McIntosh clinic beause it blew their machines away(super low distortion, have readouts)It is rarely used now in a 2nd system, never loud. This machine would more than do the trick for you.
I have a naim 5i that I just love. Detailed, fast, smooth...Lots of juice. They go for about 1000$ used or 1750$ new.