Room Treatments

Whats the best method of treating our room. Sometimes I believe we make allowances in our rooms for inadequate recording studios. Should we be trying to obtain the best sound or the exact duplicate of what we believe was recorded. The only steps I take is to insure I have the proper speaker placement and that has taken me almost a year. Im not sure Im right but I try to acheive the sound that is most pleasing to my ears. How about you.
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Elizabeth makes a very good point.... if you are married or have a significant other living in the dwelling it would be wise to consult with them prior to going to town on the room.

My listening space is our "Great Room". It's a horrible room (audio wise) to begin with so it definitely needed some treatment help.

I had my wife involved along the way since we both have to enjoy the space. I ended up using 1/2" copper pipe as a drapery rod for the walls that have windows. This rod also doubles as a rail to hang my treatments on. The benefits of using this method is that you can move the treatment piece left or right for fine adjustments but...... you can also just lift the treatment off of the wall in case of a party or gathering.

I can say that this not only has made a huge difference in my sound of the room but it offers huge flexibility for changes and adjustments. Most importantly my wife is happy with how it looks........
Your question begs an even bigger question which is: "Can peaceful coexistence be maintained between a well treated listening room ...and a wife?".
Of course there are exceptions but the true answer is most likely (99.999 pure copper % of the time) NO. Actually, to be more accurate: 99.99999% of the time it's more like "NO #@$%^$!ing WAY!"
With that said...clever compromises (as described) may be found but to call a "Shared room" "WELL treated" probably not going to happen very often.
I knew this and lived with it as needed for as long as possible until I managed to acquire a room I could turn into a dedicated listening room; NO WAF influence what-so-ever...and every time my wife walks into it she reminds me how this would never fly in any other room of the house. Yes, I thank her for it gratitude knows no was a tremendous amount of work (in many ways) but the ultimate reward [of having it to use and treat as I see fit] is, dare I say, almost incomprehensible...until you've experienced it yourself.
Trust me.
Anyway, with that said, IMHO I believe room treatments that help make the music seem "More true to the original recording stage" (and you'll recognize it as you add/adjust/and even subtract treatments as they each make their presence heard) is the goal. It's extremely time consuming but well worth your patience in the long run.
Good luck and happy Lissn'n.
The best method is to determine whether you need room treatment in the first place. It depends on the room and its furnishings, type of window treatment, etc.