Thoughts from Joule preamp owners?

There hasn't been much chat lately about Joule preamps, so any thoughts from experienced owners, good, bad, or indifferent? Thanks in advance.
The descriptions given of the Joule preamps above are quite diverse. I used to own the LAP 150 MK 2. My take on it was that it had a very nice,full,warm sound, though I wanted a tad more extension on the top. I eventually wound up with the EAR 88PB phono preamp, which gave me that extra extension, but leaned more toward the "neutral" side. However, I still remember the Joule with fondness.
"I upgraded my MK11 to the SE and I can tell you that the sound is the same only much better... "

Luv it !
I have to say I have been listening to the Platinum upgrade to my Joule LAP-150SE for a couple of months now. It is money well spent. I am very happy with my sound. Of course I have made lots of changes moving into my dedicated room with acoustic panels on the walls and bass traps in the corners and using dedicated isolated power. I believe the sound is a definite step up.
Hi Coxhaus. The Platinum upagrde is very substantial technical improvment and had great effect on the sound in my system. For example, highs while not more extended became much more resolved and....seductive. Three-dimensionality noticeably increased etc

All The Best