Stephen, I'll try to address your Corus vs Capri question as specifically as I can.
1. I have experience with Capri and Criterion.
2. Criterion is so close to Corus that any discussions about sonic differences between Corus/Criterion are as meaningful as disquisitions on number of Angels dancing on a pinhead. Hence, please equate Corus=Criterion for all intents and purposes.
3. In my system, the rest of the chain consisted of Esoteric X-01, Rowland M312, and Vienna Mahler V1.5.
Here are the differences I perceived:
A. Criterion has more fleshed out sound stage in the three dimensions, with much more specific instrumental/voice images and greater "silence between the notes".
B. Criterion has more harmonic development than Capri.
C. One of the few shortcomings of capri is a certain lightness or blanchness of the bass... Criterion's bass is much deeper and textured, without running the risk of becoming woolly deep, or romantic.
D. Criterion treble is once again, more articulate, textured, and coherent than Capri, and is much more capable to control strident intermodulation in multi-part string passages.
Hope this helps, Guido