Emotiva amplifiers review/experience?

Anyone had a chance to try out the Emotiva amplifiers and compare them to some of the more well known brands? How are the sound quality of the amps and how do they compare to other brands? Are they significantly worse or by some slight margin? Please let me know as I'm very interested in their products! Thank you!
I have Emo's modest UPA-2 in my dedicated stereo room and it is a terrific amp. Very dynamic, very detailed, excellent bass control, all the reserve power most would ever need. No hint of "grain" whatsoever through my PSB Image 6Ts. The fact that it was $289 delivered is simply icing on the cake.
I question whether any of the outspoken critics of Emotiva products in here have ever actually spent time auditioning them.
agree with colorfulpellets et. al.--emotiva has tended to be dismissed by the (apparently) uninitiated as "home theater" gear, whatever that means. i have noticed of late that emotiva seems to coming into vogue on these pages--lots of favorable comparisons to pricier gear, fewer dismissive comments. what i most admire about 'em is their business model--like a lot of folks they do the make-it-in-china-and sell-it-direct thing, but they also understand the importance of aesthetics, customer service and promotion. they fully deserve whatever success they're experiencing.
Why would anyone knock off bryston? I mean, if you're going to parrot a big bad power amp design, wouldn't you pick something more worthy of cloning than bryston?
For instance, Krell or Dynaudio or Boulder or Goldmund??
Think, Dave...THINK.
I could think of worse amps to clone.......though i don't believe Emotiva is a clone.