upgrade suggestion please for Zu Omen def

Although I am quite happy with my system, the upgrade bug bites me again. My current system has the following:

Audiogd NFB-3 DAC
PrimaLuna Prologue 3
Cary SE-1 power amp with 2A3 tube
Zu Omen Def speakers

Based on the reviews and comments, I am looking into the following options (and I didn't heard any of them)

1) replace Cary SE-1 to Melody I2A3
2) replace PrimaLuna and Cary with Almarro 318B
3) replace PrimaLuna with Supertek preamp

I think all the Melody I2A3, Almarro 318B and Supertek all with excellent feedback. The Melody I2A3 has rave review and match very well with Zu per the 6moon review. The Supertek has rave review by the community. The Almarro has rave review in 6moons as well.

Is there anyone has experience with any of them with Zu Omen Def can comment? I like to listen to female vocal, guitar, violin and saxophone. To keep the discussion focus, please limit to the options above.

Thanks in advance
I have an A318B and my friend had a Melody I2A3. We hooked my Almarro to his system and it was MUCH better. More bass control and 3-d imaging. We were both impressed.
I have the Omen Defs and I have had two I2A3's in my system, that is how much I liked them. I have not heard an Almarro, but I tried to buy one twice and lost it as it sold quickly. For the price used, either one would be fantastic for you I would believe. I can say with vocals the melody is fantastic.

I think you would get more bang for your upgrade buck by changing amps and trying out a new DAC. I have found minor changes in my Zu system with pre-amp changes and huge changes with my amp and Dac changes. However, the good and bad about Zu speakers is that:
1. Every weak point in your system will hold it back. That could be your Dac or your computer, or both for example. Even power conditioning and the like.
2. Every upgrade that you make will bring noticeable changes to the system as long as there are no obvious weak links.

And finally I would suggest in your price range a Tekton mini Lore or Lore. You will not find a more tonally accurate amp for your guitar, violin, etc IMO.

Good luck!