Preamp Deal of the Century

If anyone is looking for a true "World Class" preamp at a very fair price..heed my advice. I just recieved a Supratek Syrah preamp that was hand built by Mick Maloney in Western Australia, and it is absolutely beautiful! This preamp is the best deal you will ever find. I would put it up against any preamp out there for both looks and sound. Price? $2500 for the Syrah (includes Killer Phono stage). Not into phono? Try the Chardonney line stage for $2100. Don't get me wrong, I am not associated with this company. I am just a very happy owner! This preamp is VERY dynamic, yet liquid. It conveys the sound of music better than any other preamp that I have ever heard! You can check out the Supratek website at www.
Mondie - 2 questions. how did the cabernet sound when you placed the bent between the source and cabernet and used the bent to attentuate the source signal instead of the cabernet's built-in attentuator? did you ever get around to rolling tubes in the cabernet?

normally it is a good thing when a component does not leave an identified signature on the music. unless i am misreading your last post it sounds like like system matching was a problem.
Has anyone tried the 5Y3 tube in the rectifier postion on your Supratek? My niece's husband Carl bought an old tube radio at an antique store to gut it and turn it into a speaker cabinet for his guitar amp. Inside the radio were some old tubes covered with dust. One of the tubes was a Tung Sol 5Y3. Carl cleaned the tube up and brought it over thinking maybe I could use it. I put it in the rectifier position along with 6f6g's as regulators and Sylvania VT-231's in the line stage. WOW! I was blown away from the first note. This tube tested good in my friends tester, but has probably not been played in 45 or 50 years.

I played the remastered cd of Brian Bromberg's It's About time first. The speed at which Brian is playing the upright bass is amazing and this tube compliment really brought that forward. Freddie Hubbard's Flugalhorn on track 6 has the most beautiful tone. Brian's bass is very articlulate and very deep. Next I played Johnny A's Get Inside CD. The sound from top to bottom is the best I have heard form my Syrah! I have not even put in my Tung Sol round plates. This tube combo is better than the 6f6g's, Tung Sol round plates, and Bendix 6106 combo that I have been using. A big thanks goes out to Carl for bringing this tube over for me to try. KILLER SOUND! ABSOLUTE KILLER!
Slowhand - the 5y3 is a directly-heated full-wave rectifier. like all directly-heated recitifier it doesn't have a slow startup. this means that every time you power on the preamp you are stripping the cathodes. it damages your tubes and i believe the preamp's capacitors also. the sound you describe is typical of directly-heated recitifiers. most people prefer the sound of directly-heated recitifiers. if you choose to continue using it i wouldn't power the preamp down.
Slowhand... Pay attention to Jazzdude's post here! Good catch Jazzdude. I wouldn't worry about damaging the capacitors, however as Jazzdude correctly pointed must leave your preamp powered up or you will certainly experience a premature tube life of both the regulators and the 6sn7's. I do concurr with your observations of it's sound though, exactly the reason why I use the Bendex 6106 as my rectifier of choice in both the syrah and the cortese. The bendex 6106 specs out closer to the 5y3 electrically than any of the recommended "indirectly" heated rectifiers, It was developed exclusively for the US military to be used as a direct sub for the 5y3.Interesting though: Before I discovered the 6106, I was so very impressed with the sound of the 5y3, I would power up the syrah for about 1/2 an hour with the mullard gz34 in place and then "quicky" sub in the 5y3 to prevent the cathode stripping Jazzdude is alluding to.