Pass XA Monoblock Amps

I know there have been many threads on these amps and the different levels of power with each set. To those who owned the Pass XA60.5 and went to the Pass XA100.5 monoblocks, did you feel that the change made a big difference in your system or was it not that noticeable whether played at low to mid level volume levels or high volume. I currently own the Pass 60.5 and am contemplating the Pass 100.5. Some people have suggested that it would take a move to the Pass XA160.5 for it to really make a difference but that would unfortunately be out of my price range. The room is 12 by 24 and the speaker load is 2 ten inch seas woofers, 2 seven inch mids, and the tweeter. They are 4 ohm with a sensitivity of 91 but a big speaker. Any thoughts from Pass owners of these amps would be appreciated. The other direction i can go would be to upgrade my Pre-amp from the Rowland Capri but my initial thought was that the Pass amp change would be more of an upgrade. Thanks for your thoughts.
Al, I wonder how those bloody Cardas cables contribute to the overall sound from the perspective you mentioned?
Rocket science, anyone?
Inna, I have no particular familiarity with the Cardas GR's, but from a specification standpoint, at least, I don't see any concerns. Resistance and inductance are extremely low. Capacitance is a little bit on the high side, but I would feel certain that it is not anywhere close to being high enough to cause sonic issues with a Pass amp (conceivably it might be if used with an amp that uses lots of feedback and has extremely wide bandwidth; the Pass amps do not have either of those characteristics).

Rtilden, thanks for providing the good info.

-- Al

Thanks for your thoughts as they are most appreciated. It is more of a push to drive these Woodmere loudspeakers related to the 4 ohm load. Whether they are actually 88 or 91 sensitivity, the more power they get, the better I believe they will perform. I have always like the Cardas Golden Reference cables. They are not only wiring my system , but I believe (but could be wrong) that they are used by Rowland in their products and Running Springs Power Conditioners also use them.