Al, I wonder how those bloody Cardas cables contribute to the overall sound from the perspective you mentioned?
Rocket science, anyone?
Rocket science, anyone?
Pass XA Monoblock Amps
Inna, I have no particular familiarity with the Cardas GR's, but from a specification standpoint, at least, I don't see any concerns. Resistance and inductance are extremely low. Capacitance is a little bit on the high side, but I would feel certain that it is not anywhere close to being high enough to cause sonic issues with a Pass amp (conceivably it might be if used with an amp that uses lots of feedback and has extremely wide bandwidth; the Pass amps do not have either of those characteristics). Rtilden, thanks for providing the good info. Regards, -- Al |
Almarg, Thanks for your thoughts as they are most appreciated. It is more of a push to drive these Woodmere loudspeakers related to the 4 ohm load. Whether they are actually 88 or 91 sensitivity, the more power they get, the better I believe they will perform. I have always like the Cardas Golden Reference cables. They are not only wiring my system , but I believe (but could be wrong) that they are used by Rowland in their products and Running Springs Power Conditioners also use them. |