What amp for Q5's? Spectral, Solution, Gryphon

What amp would you recommend for the Magico Q5? Contenders include Solution 710, Gryphon Colosseum, Spectral 360 Series II, VAC 450, or Boulder amps?
FWIW, IME, the new ARC REF series amps sound better through their 8 Ohm taps--yielding a richer fuller more relaxed sound--better bass too. Whereas through 4, although sounding a tad more linear, it could at the same time sound a little thin and mechanical. This was consistent with the few speakers (Wilson, Kharma, Tidal) I tried them with regardless of their factory spec'd Ohm. Also, the couple hundred hours from new is essential for the teflon caps/tubes to fully stabilize.
Thanks Seos - I auditioned the 30SS S2 and DMA 360 S2 on Wilson Max's today at a dealers - they did sound nice. So I'll audition them "in-home" with my Q5's. I also auditioned the Boulder 1060 and 1012 this evening, though the setting was sub-par - seemed like really nice gear - would be nice to audition them "in-home" as well. We'll see how things pan out with the in-home audition of the Spectral gear...
The 360 do NOT have to be used with a (Spectral) Preamp. I have been playing with my dCS Elgar Plus (dac/pre) for many years. Works like a charm.
magico+soulution= very good sound.heard the q3with soulution and it was very good.