Class D amps

I know Class D power amps are used in car audio applications. Why not for home audio power amps? Thanks.

I agree. My Hypex UCD400HG with H x R monoblocks I built took well over 400 to bloom. More like 600-700 hrs. Until that point they were okay, somewhat flat and lacking air.

Now they ere phenomenally 3D, tons of air, huge soundstage and incredibly detailed. Best amps I have owned.
Fidler, I'm familiar with Hypex modules. Hypex kits were very nice with low inductance slit foil electrolytic caps and big satisfaction of building it yourself.
I have the ARC DS450 D class amp. It is mated with ARC's LS27 - tube line stage. This combo works beautifully.

No one has mentioned the Kharma MP150s which (admittedly awhile ago) won Absolute Sounds shoot out of class D amps. I have a tubed Cd player with volume control (EAR Acute) driving the Kharmas directly. It is absolutely wonderful sound -- the best I have been able to produce in my system in over fifteen years of effort. I also very much liked a number of the Bel Canto amps previously mentioned. I have had better results with system building using Class D than any other kind of amps, and I have tried quite a few including some pricey ones.
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