What would be the best int. amp for Totem Model 1?

What would be the best integrated amp for Totem Model 1 Signature speakers?
I'm looking for an integrated tube amp under $2,000 (new or used) that would work best with Totem Model 1 Signature speakers.
Thank you all for your responses. Actually, I'm kinda new to the hi-fi audio world.
What do you guys think about Krell S300i? It seems to be a good one at an affordable price. Does it have too much power for Totem Model 1?
The krell would be fine powerwise but it is not a particularly warm sounding amp and might be a bit too bright with the model 1. In my experience, the brands that Rumadian suggests would be better matches.

I agree that the Krell would not be a good choice, way too agressive together.
In this price range (and actually way above) the Yamaha AS2000 is incredibly good for the money with full and smart tone controls and phono. A true bargain if there is one. Lot's of clean power too.

Look up the info here on the 'Goner.