Sending pre in for service, need volume controller

Hello, I have to send my First Sound Reference passive back to its maker for a toggle switch replacement. Does anyone make an inexpensive switch box w/volume like QED used to, that I could just plug in to tide me over until baby comes home? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Can you solder? You can build one with Radio Shack parts for $20 or so.

Google "passive preamp diy" for info.

Post removed 
Thanks, everyone. It's looking like it might not be too painful after all. I can make an appointment, overnight it to First Sound and be music-less for maybe 3-4 days, tops. I was thinking it was going to be longer, but Mr. Go seems to think it's just a simple toggle switch replacement, as the other inputs work perfectly. It's only the right channel on the main input that cuts in and out.

Appreciate all the help.
For others reading the post and FWIW I have been using a Creek OBH- 12 for various remote volume control applications and have had good success with it.