NO NO NO. Lapierre is INCORRECT.
My apologies for shouting Lapierre but I didn't want someone to make a mistake on incorrect advice. Look at each of the manuals for the M-60s at the link I provided. For each model, the fuse is always SLOW.
Not sure where Lapierre got this idea, But it is completely INCORRECT.
I've also asked Atma-Sphere folks about the boutique fuses from HiFi Tuning. They don't think pricey fuses make an improvement in the sound in their designs.
Lapierre's post is a great example of why posting questions like the OPs is a bad idea on Audiogon or an audio forum when it is possible to call/e-mail the manufacturer or find the documentation with the info you need on a manufacturer's website.
OK, rant over. Happy holidays everyone. Hope you can all enjoy some sonic bliss in the New Year.