Audio Research Corp Ref 5 SE

Just picked up news on another OP that ARC is upgrading the Ref 5 to an SE version that incorporates some of the technology from the Ref 40. The other OP posted the URL link below. Does anyone have any solid information anout this news development? Has anyone heard the Ref 5 SE? Same rumor about an SE version of the Ref Phono 2?

The Ref 5SE is my first tube preamp and I have not heard the original Ref 5 or Ref3 so I can't comment on the improvements.

I can only compare it to an Ayre KXR and Pass Labs XP-10.

I listened to Ref 5 and phono 2 extensively prior to ordering. Once the 5 SE version arrives...I will give my thoughts...will be in similar system to demo system,..but won't have as direct head to head.
Bifwynne - since the power supply and the gain section circuit of the Ref Phono 2 are shared with the Ref 5, and since the SE upgrade to each includes an upgrade to the power supply and addition of Teflon caps, you may get some idea of about the improved sonics of the Ref5SE by parsing through the Valin preview on the Ref Phono 2 SE. Since his comments indicate he had roughly 10 days with the RP2SE, further improvements will come across the several hundreds of hours of break-in needed by a new unit generally and the Teflon caps in particular. The power supply upgrade should yield better low frequency articulation and, typically, Teflon caps will offer more tonal depth. It's likely the Ref5SE (and RP2SE) will sound closer to the Ref40 Anniversary and deliver improved image focus and dimensionality. Just my thoughts as an exercise; I've not heard the SE units, but I'm looking forward to 'em.
My ref 5se arrived today at dealer...picking it up tomorrow. I have a KX-R fronting Ref 250s and the ref 5 SE will front a ref 150 at my cabin.

I will let you know my thoughts on differences...I listened to the Ayre on the 150 for several months until the 250s arrived