Audio Research Corp Ref 5 SE

Just picked up news on another OP that ARC is upgrading the Ref 5 to an SE version that incorporates some of the technology from the Ref 40. The other OP posted the URL link below. Does anyone have any solid information anout this news development? Has anyone heard the Ref 5 SE? Same rumor about an SE version of the Ref Phono 2?
I've been waiting for 8 months now,first part of the year according to David from ARC,but I have heard the wait is more than worth it.I have the older ARC 600 amps that were up graded to MKlll specs that was worth it,shipping them back was a joy?
I had to wait for the Reference 5SEs had about 380 hours before they began to stabilise. It was great initially, then something sounded off.. then good, then not so good before 380 hours.
Well, a year later, my Ref 5 SE was just delv'd. I've got about 5 or 6 hours on it. ARC also changed out all of the 6H30 tubes too. I won't embarrass myself by sharing reactions yet. Chris Osanna said break-in should take 300 hours on upgraded units. I'll be back. Ok, just one comment -- the SE sounds different than the Ref 5. That it for now.
Be sure to get back here with your review after the break-in, the suspense is killing me.

Ok guys. I have about 300 hours on the Ref 5 SE. I guess it's run in by now. Here's my reactions FWIW.

Yeah, I think the SE version has a more refined sound presentation. Just sounds a bit smoother. Better bass and punchier -- probably because the power supply was doubled. Was it worth $2500? Sure, why not??? Is it a day and night difference?? A "whole nuther' league"?? I don't think so. Still has the ARC house sound.

Do I recommend getting the upgrade done? If you have the spare change . . . sure. If there's something else you're looking to do, and it's either option A or the SE upgrade, but not both, . . . tough call. I s'pose' it depends on what you have in mind.

Maybe I sound a bit reserved because I think I've reached the point of diminishing returns. I think I'd have to spend a heck of a lot more change to squeeze much more out of my current rig, e.g., change out my $7K ARC VS-115 amp for a $12K or $13K ARC Ref 150 amp, new speakers, and so forth.

Actually, I'm planning on auditioning a pair of Quattro Woods at a nearby Vandy dealer this week. The Quattros will be driven by an ARC VS-115 amp the dealer took in trade. I'll come back with some reactions for you Vandy fans. For some reason, I'm dubious that I'll get blown away.

I realize that some feel my Paradigm Sig. 8s are "mid-fi" speakers. Fact is that the Quattros and S8s cost about the same and Paradigm can pack a heck of a lot of R&D and QC into the S8s because of economies of scale and because they build pretty much everything in-house. That's all I'll say. Don't want to start another speaker war.
