Audio Research Corp Ref 5 SE

Just picked up news on another OP that ARC is upgrading the Ref 5 to an SE version that incorporates some of the technology from the Ref 40. The other OP posted the URL link below. Does anyone have any solid information anout this news development? Has anyone heard the Ref 5 SE? Same rumor about an SE version of the Ref Phono 2?
Bif, it's comments like yours that make guys like me lose sleep at night. I'm perfectly okay with my Ref3 and I love it, but then I read your 5SE comment above and my head starts spinning. I want one.

I have to stop reading this thread and all Ref 5SE threads so the desire to upgrade goes away.
Mitch . . . as I have already said and I repeat myself for emphasis sake, as a previous owner of a Ref 3, the Ref 3 will go down as a clssic line stage, it's just that good. I wouldn't stress myself about it.

I figure the cost to upgrade to a new Ref 5 SE will be about $7+ thousand (i.e., about $12K [assuming discount], less $5K to sell used Ref 3). It's one thing to go from a Ref 5 to the SE for about $2500. IMO, it's a whole 'nuther ball game to jump from a Ref 3 to the Ref 5 SE for $7+ thousand.
One of my customers traded in his Ref 3 for a used Ref 40th Anniversary. Better, for sure, but "whole 'nuther ballgame", dunno. Could have had a V-8.
Ok...I'll chill out. I'm content, but tempted. Thanks for the reality check Bif.
Hearing some more changes. The soundstage seems to have moved back and it's now about 2 feet behind the speakers. The speakers have largely disappeared. The center stage is filling in with more detail. Imaging is improving. Mid-range and treble smoothing out. I'll report back again if any more changes. Just turned my sub woofer gain up a notch to see if bass blends with the improving soundstage and I think it does.

My source is an EMI Classic CD of Tchaikovsky regulars, Mariss Jansons conducting the Oslo and London Philharmonic Orchestras. Playing 1812 Overture. Gotta go and turn down the gain before the cannons kick in or my wife will throw a bucket of water on my rig. ;>')