Simple High Quality Tube Preamp for Vinyl Only Sys

I'm looking for the simplest but highest quality tube preamp to use with my vinyl only system. Does something like that exist? I see all the attenuators out there (Lightspeed, Goldpoint) but I'm looking to keep the tube tonality but I don't want something complicated, nor something that's overkill for a single source. Willing to spend up to $1500.
Since you specified vinyl only, I believe you would do best with a line pre; and select one of the excellent Phono pre's that are available here. That would give you an incredible amount of flexibility.
I already have an ASR Basis Exclusive phono stage. I'm basically looking for a tube volume control for it. I do however plan to compare it to the K&K at some point.
The fact that you are using vinyl only is not enough information. What amplifier will you be using with the new preamp?