Rega Brio R vs Wyred or Bel Canto

i have been downsizing my system due to space and some financial constraints. Currently using a Rega Brio R with a Rega DAC and a Schiit Audio headphone amp. Speakers are Harbeth mini monitors. Is switching to the New wyred4sound all in one amp/dac/headphone integrated or the Bel Canto all in one an upgrade from what i am using ? will be able to condense 3 pieces of equipment into one and sell off the others. Not sure if its worth it though if i am not making some improvement.
Although I haven't heard all of the equipment you've mentioned together, my gut says "No." I'm actually a fan of Bel Canto's implementation of Class D amplification, and am considering a purchase later next year of that same unit to go with my Ohm speakers in an office set up, but I can't help but think the unit would not match the system you've already assembled.

I don't know which Schiit amp you have or what headphones, but I imagine that the dedicated unit will beat the ones in the BC or the W4S. Ditto for the DAC. I'm waiting to see how the W4S unit turns out before deciding between it and the BC. My main problem with the W4S is aesthetic. It may be compact and small, but it looks ugly as hell compared to the BC. W4S really needs to hire an industrial designer to improve the look of things. They make great products, but they don't look very good. Still, the extra watts make it worth the wait.

Have you ever heard Harbeth speakers with Class D? Before making any decision, you might want to hear it. With the haircut you're going to take on resale of your present system, I don't think you'll save much money, and with the small footprint of your current components, I don't think you'll gain enough in terms of space to justify the hassle and the gamble. But this assumes you already like the Rega/Harbeth system.

How do you like the Brio R with the Harbeth PS3R's?
The Brio/ harbeth sounds nice. i relly have no complaints. Just thought Bel Canto in particular may have been an upgrade worth while to swap out what i had. Based on feedback i dont think its worth the effort to sell everything i have just to purchase something more compact.
selling stuff is a pain in the ass, especially if you are OCD about packing like i am. would you mind answering a question? you seem to have had a number of amps, including the primaluna, lfd,and exposure. which of these did you use with the harbeths? which was your favorite? how does the brio r compare to these with the harbeths. i ask because i have harbeth lust but not harbeth funds at this time...but i hope to get a pair of compact 7's in a couple of years. in the meantime, i love my vandersteen 2ce sig II's, but don't seem to be able to get away from the nagging desire to own a pair of harbeths. it's not rational, but there it is. i'm actually integrated tube amp shopping right now. going to audition a rogue cronus magnum with my vandersteens next week. i think it'll also do well with the harbeths when/if i get them down the road. anyway, any feedback on harbeth amp combinations would be appreciated.