Rega Brio R vs Wyred or Bel Canto

i have been downsizing my system due to space and some financial constraints. Currently using a Rega Brio R with a Rega DAC and a Schiit Audio headphone amp. Speakers are Harbeth mini monitors. Is switching to the New wyred4sound all in one amp/dac/headphone integrated or the Bel Canto all in one an upgrade from what i am using ? will be able to condense 3 pieces of equipment into one and sell off the others. Not sure if its worth it though if i am not making some improvement.
The Brio/ harbeth sounds nice. i relly have no complaints. Just thought Bel Canto in particular may have been an upgrade worth while to swap out what i had. Based on feedback i dont think its worth the effort to sell everything i have just to purchase something more compact.
selling stuff is a pain in the ass, especially if you are OCD about packing like i am. would you mind answering a question? you seem to have had a number of amps, including the primaluna, lfd,and exposure. which of these did you use with the harbeths? which was your favorite? how does the brio r compare to these with the harbeths. i ask because i have harbeth lust but not harbeth funds at this time...but i hope to get a pair of compact 7's in a couple of years. in the meantime, i love my vandersteen 2ce sig II's, but don't seem to be able to get away from the nagging desire to own a pair of harbeths. it's not rational, but there it is. i'm actually integrated tube amp shopping right now. going to audition a rogue cronus magnum with my vandersteens next week. i think it'll also do well with the harbeths when/if i get them down the road. anyway, any feedback on harbeth amp combinations would be appreciated.
unfortunately i only had a chance to use the exposure and the brio with the Harbeths. Liked the brio better and i nneded some funds so the exposure was sold. Heard good things about the Rogue with Harbeths. That being said the Vandersteens are great speakers as well. one thing i learned, at some point u have to be happy with what u have otherwise u will never stop. Just enjoy the music and stop being too critical. unless u spend ridiculous amounts of money the return on a small upgrade is not worth it. I used to enjoy music alot more before i became too aware of what i wanted to hear. Its about ENJOYING the music. I am off the upgrade path for a long while.
smart man. i think the surest path to audio bliss is to assemble a system you like well enough and then never look at an audio magazine or forum again. my only real problem with the vandersteens is that they occupy the living room like twin monoliths and are so good that they warrant better amplification/sources/cables. and that is when i start to go down the rabbit hole. they sounded superb with my doge/hibachi combo, but my need to simplify without shortchanging the vandersteens has me looking at a $2200 integrated. right now, i'm pretty attracted to the idea of selling everything, replacing it with an all rega system. i used to have the brio3/apollo and was contemplating going all rega when i got sidetracked into separates. i miss the simplicity and system synergy goes a long way. i'll be setting up the rega system audition around the same time as the rogue/vandersteen audition. by the end of january, a decison will be reached, this will be a dead topic, and i will be off the upgrade path until my income increases. enjoy your harbeths and your music!
Thanks for this post!

I have been going back and forth between these three amps and I am have a hard time deciding. I keep coming back to the Brio though.

The only other one I am considering is the Underwood HiFi modded Music Hall 15.2.

I like the fact that the Music Hall has pre outs and a bit more power. I want to buy one amp that will work for me for a long time and the Music Hall has a few more options. No reviews on this amp though.

The Brio gets great reviews though and I like the small size.