I have an over thirty year old APT Labs amplifier that is still running a pair of old 1979 B&W 801's! Yes, it's a 100-watt amp into 8-ohms and runs near clipping all the time. It sounds fine.
Electrolytics are no better than +/- 20% tolerance so that wear is less sensitive than you might think to sound. Caps in the more sensitive audio path that are non electrolytic give you a better circuit life if anything. There is no "proof" that exotic caps sound better over just last longer (at a price). Large electrolytics in the power path are cheap to service, too.
Most smaller electrolytic caps, if mounted right to lower lead inductance, often have the lead end (where they leak) SHORT and right to the PC board. You can't see the caps leaking when they do go till it's too late. Large power stage electrolytics are faced "up" with the terminals using screws. Inductance isn't as important in the DC path. You can watch these for signs of deterioration.
Electrolytics are no better than +/- 20% tolerance so that wear is less sensitive than you might think to sound. Caps in the more sensitive audio path that are non electrolytic give you a better circuit life if anything. There is no "proof" that exotic caps sound better over just last longer (at a price). Large electrolytics in the power path are cheap to service, too.
Most smaller electrolytic caps, if mounted right to lower lead inductance, often have the lead end (where they leak) SHORT and right to the PC board. You can't see the caps leaking when they do go till it's too late. Large power stage electrolytics are faced "up" with the terminals using screws. Inductance isn't as important in the DC path. You can watch these for signs of deterioration.