Dual volume control - it should be standard

Why don't they all make preamps and integrateds like that?
Recently I got Redgum integrated with volume control for each channel. What a difference. You just do it by ear for every recording or even individual tune. Simple and great idea.
Yep. Redgum can provide the belt for $15 that will do just that. No need for me.
Yes Rrog & Charles1dad, it's unfortunate CC is out of business. Last week I had Radio Shack modded my 7.1 HT processor with 7 volume controls. So far all I can say is WOW!!! ... and not broken in yet. I was told it takes ~10000 hours for a thorough break in.

I like to adjust the volume between tracks and my sitting position from the processor is ~16' so get plenty of exercise. Only problem is it takes ~7 hours to play a disc because I usually play the same track ~10 times before getting the correct volume but well well worth the hassle. After all, I'm a TRUE audiophile.
Knghifi, You must really know what you're doing. Anyone else have an experienc they would like to share, possibly with 901s? 901s have virtually no box to resonate, no crossover, all drivers with the same voice and EQ to dial the system in to your room instead of room treatment. Direct/reflecting like MBL, Martin Logan, Magnepan, Mirage, Quad, etc.
My YBA 2 preamp has dual volume controls and everyone who has seen them think they're stupid, maybe not.