Classe move to China

I've just learned that Classe has moved production to China. Has anyone taken delivery of a Made in China Classe product?

Will moving to China devalue the brand? Will quality suffer?

I am thinking of purchasing the new CA-M300 monoblocks, but this move has me hesitating.
Kurt_Tank, a strongly regulated capitalist driven open market. No system has ever been perfect. The future will be more of the same.

Danlib 1, greed is neither inherently good or bad (let's ignore the 7 deadly sins). It's an human behavior pattern which is essential to an individual's survival. While individuals may afford ethical behavior, the capitalist free market model is purposely lacking ethics. In essence it states that the unbridled pursuit of ones' self interest will lead to the most efficient distribution of society's resources with the least curbs on individual freedom. A morally good outcome arises from the chaos of human impulses -- a neat trick if it truly worked. Based upon your comments about ethical standards, I suspect that we really don't disagree, that much.

Fiddler, check out these Dwight Yoakam lyrics from "Readin', Rightin', Route 23"
They learned readin', rightin', Route 23
To the jobs that lay waiting in those cities' factories
They didn't know that old highway
Could lead them to a world of misery

To claim that labor unions destroyed the car companies is non-factual. When times were good at the Big 3, nobody claimed labor unions were the authors, so why blame them when things went bad? Now if the Chevy Vega or Ford Pinto had been designed by the UAW, I might be open to changing my mind. Blaming the union is like blaming home buyers for the mortgage debt/financial collapse. But then again, certain types of people look past the facts and do blame the borrower.

Rok2id, France started WWII -- please explain.
Japan modeled a good deal after us,Germany never did,especially in their educational system which they,correctly,deemed better than ours.
They adopted a parmaential Social Democracy as opposed to our semi-feudal system of "checks and balances" expressly
designed to thwart democracy.
And I forgot to mention that it is Chinese who will direct the asteroid's trajectory towards the Earth. China is already a space nation and in a few decades they will be far ahead of everyone else and eventually they will control space in our solar system and perhaps beyond. How is that for "scary" ?
Sounds like some of you guys just got back from Occupy Wall Street. I hear the Outside Asylum calling.
I didn't say they started the war, I said they were responsible for it. The French pushed for and got the harsh pentalies against Germany in the treaty of Versailles. President Wilson's 14 points were much more even handed. They mocked Wilson, saying the good Lord only had 10 points. The French Military saw the danger and was against the terms. Why do you think the greaat depression hit Germany harder than any other country. No Versailles, no Hitler, no Hitler, no war. It's a little more involved, but this is a music forum, so i'll keep it short.