Classe move to China

I've just learned that Classe has moved production to China. Has anyone taken delivery of a Made in China Classe product?

Will moving to China devalue the brand? Will quality suffer?

I am thinking of purchasing the new CA-M300 monoblocks, but this move has me hesitating.
Actually, building a car is a well-known 'art'.
Building it RIGHT? Many things come into play from choice of materials....High Strength steel is a bigger player these days since you can build as strong or stronger with less weight all the way to computer simulations.

All for naught, however, without a proper manufacturing facility and trained workers. An Uncle of mine once bought a car.....American.....and it had a strange noise. Nobody could figure it out. Finally, in an unrelated repair, a COKE BOTTLE was found in a hollow space with a Ha-Ha note. That was the source of the noise.

The man who taught Japan how to make things right is ::: Deming.

Lately, with and after the advent of ISO standards and audits, They are a Quality Managment system, they don't tell you what or how to do it.

and perhaps the latest Asian Import:: A system called 6S.

It is vital to continue to do more with less.....improve quality and provide a safe workplace.
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"How can that be? How do they compete in this global economy?"

They are GERMANS first last and always. They work together. And work and workers are respected in Germany. That's how.
It would be great to hear some facts regarding these 10 nuclear accidents that the US has had. Where and when? The radioactive liquid and gases at TMI were within the containment building. I'm not sure if you understand the way that building works, but it did it's job. As I said, facts would be great.

Imagine, that restaurant you own poisoned and killed many people. There are many lawsuits against you, but you announced bankruptcy, judge waived off any legal action against you (while restaurant still operates) and next day you register the same restaurant as a new business with the same name and owner. Impossible? GM did just that. Why would you even attempt manufacturing safe cars when you know that at the end nothing is going to happen to you.

In 1975 Toyota made safety standard for the rest of the world with Corolla - a car that can hit wall at 40mph without any injury to driver. At the same time similar exercise with Chevy Chevette virtually guaranteed dead of the driver.

Japanese did not put Coke bottles or nuts for a joke - they believed in what they were doing and it shows today.

We cannot even comprehend dedication to work they have. Manager of water supply in Tokyo committed suicide after being unable to provide water to residents.