Classe move to China

I've just learned that Classe has moved production to China. Has anyone taken delivery of a Made in China Classe product?

Will moving to China devalue the brand? Will quality suffer?

I am thinking of purchasing the new CA-M300 monoblocks, but this move has me hesitating.
Inna, joke aside I don't mind being French. Somehow they work shorter hours, have longer vacation, eat at the restaurants, have safe retirement and free healthcare - best in the world, according to World Health Organization.

Japan is not the country I'd like to live in, in spite of having nephew there.
No Japan or Japanese ways for me either. As for French - why not?
They are in debt too, by the way. What are they going to do about it, I wonder?
I'll take my good ol' American healthcare regardless of what the World Health Organization says. My U.S. healthcare experience has been exceptional. If anyone else wants to put a lot of stock in what a tentacle of the U.N. says, no problem - but I ain't buying it and will continue to feel very blessed to have the best healthcare in the world, IMHO.
To return to the original subject, it appears that the vast majority of us don't like that Classe move. And though some of us are almost communists, some shark capitalists, and everything in-between, on this point we do find kind of consensus despite different schools of thought.
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