Classe move to China

I've just learned that Classe has moved production to China. Has anyone taken delivery of a Made in China Classe product?

Will moving to China devalue the brand? Will quality suffer?

I am thinking of purchasing the new CA-M300 monoblocks, but this move has me hesitating.
He does indeed protesteth too much..:) I like the new look of Audiogon's front page. It bears not even a tangential relation to the subject of China. But then again, just who designed the new look anyway! Foreign or domestic? heh heh.
Fiddler - For starters you need to know that you are not the wealthy we are talking about. You aren't big enough to sniff their socks. Those people have 25 employees in each of their nine homes, three complete flight crews and a staff and crew totaling 40 or so on both yachts. So put your dick away before the laughing starts.

Your screed matches in tone, temperature and terminology with the crap that oozes from talk radio 24/7. You don't sound original, you don't write well and you offer no actual facts or figures other than whatever Rush says.

This country is heavily populated with people who worked hard all their lives and did everything right only to have their pensions subsumed, their mortgages devalued and their hearts broken by those who you so haughtily defend.

If you do the math, you'll find that it is not possible for everyone to be above average, no matter how hard they work or how often they go to church. Every winner has reached that position by overcoming other strivers. That does not mean that the "losers" trained less or lacked ambition. It means that only one person could win the race.

The "black or white" arguments planted in narrow minds by fatuous on-air bigots are simple enough to understand and memorize, as you've demonstrated here, but the actual world we all occupy is more complicated. There are nuances and mitigating circumstances and degrees of difficulty. There are real consequences just as there are real rewards. Your cockiness and smug condescension may put you in a very uncomfortable position one of these days. You would be wise to work on your humility because you have every right and reason to be humble.
Very well said -- not necssarily about Fiddler who I don't really know -- about many folks I do know. Especially the mindless repition of ideological mantras and the black/white, Rush-bite caricatures that you know are not the product of original thinking, nor the reflections of a broad perspective on the human condition and its potential -even if one is a hard nose realist about human behaviour (not always pretty).

I think the new site was defintely designed by a Canadian - all that white space.
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